Mantra Meditation
What is Mantra?
Mantra defined
History of mantra meditation
Where, why and how mantra is used in many traditions throughout the world
Difference between silent and vocal mantra meditation practices
Psychological and Physiological Benefits of Mantra (with reference to scientific studies)
Neurological effects
Nervous system and vagus nerve
Focused attention, breath control
Music, rhythm, repetition, tones, vowels
Example of an experimental design and how it affected participants’ stress levels, mood and cognitive processes
Let’s practice
Exploration of practice used in scientific experiments as a group
So Many Mantras
Examples of various mantras and how they are used
Mantras that are safe and effective for everyone
Bija mantras and their relationship to the organs of the body
Establishing a Daily Practice
Time of day
Length of time
What to chant and why
Let’s practice
Learn a daily practice that you can do at home or at work